
A scientific director assisted by a scientific co-director manages the LabEx EMC³. A project manager is in charge of the administration of the LabEx. The governance of the LabEx is composed of a management committee, a scientific council and a steering committee whose main missions are described below.

Management Committee (CoDir)

The Management Committee is composed of the 7 laboratory directors. This committee ensures the progress of the project and is a privileged instance for the communication between the unit directors of all information, whether technical, scientific, industrial, commercial or other, related to the LabEx.

Scientific Council (CS)

The Scientific Council is made up of 7 scientific experts: 7 members from external laboratories, two of whom come from foreign universities. The CS provides expertise on the execution of the LabEx with particular attention to scientific relevance, international positioning and the role of strategic orientation with the presence of invited members (from the ComUE, the CNRS, the CEA and the Nextmove cluster). In addition, the CS selects the applications following the call for proposals and chooses the projects to be accepted.

Steering Committee (CoPil)

The CoPil is composed of the following 8 members:

  • CNRS_ Regional Delegate
  • CEA_Director
  • University of Caen Normandy_ President
  • ENSICAEN_ General Director
  • University of Rouen_President
  • University of le Havre_ President
  • INSA of Rouen_Director
  • A representative of the ANR (National Research Agency)

The members of the steering committee are assisted by the following representatives:

  • 1 representative of the Regional Council of Normandy
  • 1 representative of the DRARI of Normandy (Regional Academic Delegation for Research and Innovation)
  • 1 representative of the Nextmove competitiveness cluster
  • 3 representatives of the industrial world (MURATA, PSA, EDF)
  • the 7 members of the Management Committee
  • the President of the Scientific Committee

The main mission of the Steering Committee is to validate the progress of the LabEx, in particular to approve the choice of projects selected by the Scientific Council in response to calls for projects. In addition, on the proposal of the Management Committee and the Scientific Council, it proposes modifications or new orientations in order to optimize the functioning of the LabEx.

Organization chart:

The LabEx is therefore structured annually by the meetings of these three bodies (CoDir, CS, CoPil) and also by the Scientific Day at the beginning of the year, which prepares the member researchers for the current year’s Call for Projects.

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